
Duotone 2024 Grip 4 SLS
Duotone Grip 4 SLS

Anstatt spezielle Onshore-, Sideshore- oder sogar asymmetrische Boards zu entwickeln, die nur in sehr begrenzten Bedingungen/Spots funktionieren. Solche Boards mögen dir bei extremen Bedingungen einen kleinen Vorteil verschaffen, aber Custom Boards entpuppen sich oftmals als Überraschungsei.

Unsere GRIP SLS Boards werden ständig weiterentwickelt, um sicherzustellen, dass wir immer an der Spitze der Entwicklung stehen - und das mit über 40 Jahren Erfahrung. Wir nennen sie World Cup Wave Boards, weil sie so konstruiert sind, dass sie den Besten der Besten an allen möglichen Spots rund um den Globus gerecht werden, von sprungorientierten Side-on-Bedingungen wie Pozo bis hin zu Down-the-Line-Groundswell-Bedingungen wie Hookipa.


Den wichtigsten Einfluss auf die Entwicklung hatte unser dreifache PWA Wave Weltmeister Victor Fernandez und der aktuell mit am höchsten gehandelte Anwärter für den PWA Wave Titel, Marc Paré. Die beiden sind nicht nur zwei der besten Wave-Rider der Welt, sondern haben auch einen sehr wettkampforientierten Fahrstil. Anstatt superspezialisierte und extreme Shapes zu verlangen, streben sie daher immer nach:

  • Boards, die super ausbalanciert und in allen Bedingungen leicht zu kontrollieren sind, ohne ein Eigenleben zu entwickeln, um maximale Turns und Sprünge zu erzielen.
  • Boards, die super vielseitig zu fahren sind und das Fahren sowohl über den vorderen- als auch hinteren Fuß ermöglichen, um das Maximale aus jeder Welle herauszuholen, selbst wenn sich die Bedingungen ändern.
  • Boards, die einen maximalen Windbereich abdecken, damit man nicht gezwungen ist, während des Heats das Board zu wechseln.

Ist das nicht genau das, was wir alle von unserem Waveboard erwarten? Genau deshalb sind Marc und Victor unsere wichtigsten Mitarbeiter im Entwicklungsprozess. Tatsächlich sind alle unsere GRIP SLS Produktionsboards exakte Replikas ihrer besten Boards, die sie auf der PWA Tour verwenden.


Die wichtigste Frage, die du dir jetzt stellen musst, ist, welche Finnenkonfiguration am besten zu deinem persönlichen Fahrstil passt:

  • Der GRIP 4 SLS mit seiner Quad-Finnenkonfiguration gibt dir maximalen Drive und Grip für engagierte Rail-to-Rail-Turns, selbst in XXL-Wellen.
  • Der GRIP 3 SLS hat eine etwas bessere Beschleunigung durch eine extrem effiziente Scoop-Rocker Linie, was besonders bei Sprungbedingungen hilfreich ist. Die Thruster-Finnenkonfiguration ermöglicht selbst in nicht idealen Bedingungen ein früheres Auslösen des Hecks für slashier Turns.


Unser Philosphie für alle DUOTONE Produkte ist es ein möglichst geringes Gewicht zu erreichen, jedoch ohne dabei die Haltbarkeit zu beeinträchtigen, sowie ein unübertroffenes Plug & Play Setup. Denn das sind genau die 2 Dinge, die jedem helfen, vom Anfänger bis zum World Champion.


Dazu haben wir folgende Verbesserungen vorgenommen:

  • Keine 5 Multisetup-Finnenkästen: Das bringt nur unnötiges Gewicht und Wasserwiderstand und ist immer ein Kompromiss, da jede Finnenkonfiguration einen anderen Board-Shape erfordert (Bottom- und Rail-Shape, Outline, Scoop-Rocker-Linie), um ihr volles Potenzial auszuschöpfen. Das verhindert auch, dass das Board hecklastig/klebrig wird. Außerdem entspricht das Finden eines gut funktionierenden Setups mit 5 Boxen dem Gegenteil von Plug & Play.
  • Die Mini-Mastschiene reduziert das Gewicht im kritischen Nasenbereich. Sie reduziert auch das Risiko, den Mastfuß falsch zu positionieren und bietet dennoch genau die richtige Längeneinstellung für alle Fahrstile und Segelgrößen.
  • Die Mini-Side-Fin-Kästen bieten keine Verstellmöglichkeiten mehr. Die gesamte Verstellbarkeit für verschiedene Fahrstile und Segelgrößen erfolgt jetzt nur noch über die mittlere(n) Finne(n) - einfach und leicht!
  • Unser exklusives Layup, das auf über 40 Jahren Erfahrung basiert, wurde von DUOTONE Produktmanager Dani Äberli und Implementierungsspezialist und QC Manager Vasin Siritho verfeinert.
  • Sogar die Artwork wurde gewichtsoptimiert, indem schwere PVC-Aufkleber auf ein Minimum reduziert wurden.


All diese Bemühungen summieren sich zu einer spürbaren Gewichtsreduzierung von 400-500g (je nach Boardgröße), ohne unsere bekannt hohe Haltbarkeit zu beeinträchtigen. Tatsächlich sind wir von dieser neuen Konstruktion so überzeugt, dass wir als erste Produktionsmarke überhaupt auf alle GRIP SLS Boards 1 JAHR UNBEGRENZTE GARANTIE auf Bruch anbieten: STRONG-LIGHT-SUPERIOR! Außerdem funktionieren sie schon nach dem Auspacken optimal, einfach Plug & Shred.


Deine neuen GRIP SLS Traumboards sind bereit und warten auf dich, um dein Riding auf das nächste Level zu bringen!

Der GRIP 4 Shape ist zu 100% auf das Quad Finnen-Setup abgestimmt
Alle GRIP Boards sind für den Einsatz rund um den Globus konzipiert, von Hookipa Riffwelle bis zu Pozo Onshore-Bedingungen. 
Gewichtsersparnis plus maximales PLUG & PLAY durch weniger Optionen
Die PREMIUM SANDWICH TECHNOLOGY besteht aus 50 Einzelteilen und Komponenten und ist unsere leichteste Semi-Custom-Technologie.

2.699,00 EUR
inkl. 19% MwSt. zzgl. Versand
Duotone 2024 Grip 3 SLS
Duotone Grip 3 SLS

Anstatt spezielle Onshore-, Sideshore- oder sogar asymmetrische Boards zu entwickeln, die nur in sehr begrenzten Bedingungen/Spots funktionieren. Solche Boards mögen dir bei extremen Bedingungen einen kleinen Vorteil verschaffen, aber Custom Boards entpuppen sich oftmals als Überraschungsei.

Unsere GRIP SLS Boards werden ständig weiterentwickelt, um sicherzustellen, dass wir immer an der Spitze der Entwicklung stehen - und das mit über 40 Jahren Erfahrung. Wir nennen sie World Cup Wave Boards, weil sie so konstruiert sind, dass sie den Besten der Besten an allen möglichen Spots rund um den Globus gerecht werden, von sprungorientierten Side-on-Bedingungen wie Pozo bis hin zu Down-the-Line-Groundswell-Bedingungen wie Hookipa.


Den wichtigsten Einfluss auf die Entwicklung hatte unser dreifache PWA Wave Weltmeister Victor Fernandez und der aktuell mit am höchsten gehandelte Anwärter für den PWA Wave Titel, Marc Paré. Die beiden sind nicht nur zwei der besten Wave-Rider der Welt, sondern haben auch einen sehr wettkampforientierten Fahrstil. Anstatt superspezialisierte und extreme Shapes zu verlangen, streben sie daher immer nach:

  • Boards, die super ausbalanciert und in allen Bedingungen leicht zu kontrollieren sind, ohne ein Eigenleben zu entwickeln, um maximale Turns und Sprünge zu erzielen.
  • Boards, die super vielseitig zu fahren sind und das Fahren sowohl über den vorderen- als auch hinteren Fuß ermöglichen, um das Maximale aus jeder Welle herauszuholen, selbst wenn sich die Bedingungen ändern.
  • Boards, die einen maximalen Windbereich abdecken, damit man nicht gezwungen ist, während des Heats das Board zu wechseln.

Ist das nicht genau das, was wir alle von unserem Waveboard erwarten? Genau deshalb sind Marc und Victor unsere wichtigsten Mitarbeiter im Entwicklungsprozess. Tatsächlich sind alle unsere GRIP SLS Produktionsboards exakte Replikas ihrer besten Boards, die sie auf der PWA Tour verwenden.


Die wichtigste Frage, die du dir jetzt stellen musst, ist, welche Finnenkonfiguration am besten zu deinem persönlichen Fahrstil passt:

  • Der GRIP 4 SLS mit seiner Quad-Finnenkonfiguration gibt dir maximalen Drive und Grip für engagierte Rail-to-Rail-Turns, selbst in XXL-Wellen.
  • Der GRIP 3 SLS hat eine etwas bessere Beschleunigung durch eine extrem effiziente Scoop-Rocker Linie, was besonders bei Sprungbedingungen hilfreich ist. Die Thruster-Finnenkonfiguration ermöglicht selbst in nicht idealen Bedingungen ein früheres Auslösen des Hecks für slashier Turns.


Unser Philosphie für alle DUOTONE Produkte ist es ein möglichst geringes Gewicht zu erreichen, jedoch ohne dabei die Haltbarkeit zu beeinträchtigen, sowie ein unübertroffenes Plug & Play Setup. Denn das sind genau die 2 Dinge, die jedem helfen, vom Anfänger bis zum World Champion.


Dazu haben wir folgende Verbesserungen vorgenommen:

  • Keine 5 Multisetup-Finnenkästen: Das bringt nur unnötiges Gewicht und Wasserwiderstand und ist immer ein Kompromiss, da jede Finnenkonfiguration einen anderen Board-Shape erfordert (Bottom- und Rail-Shape, Outline, Scoop-Rocker-Linie), um ihr volles Potenzial auszuschöpfen. Das verhindert auch, dass das Board hecklastig/klebrig wird. Außerdem entspricht das Finden eines gut funktionierenden Setups mit 5 Boxen dem Gegenteil von Plug & Play.
  • Die Mini-Mastschiene reduziert das Gewicht im kritischen Nasenbereich. Sie reduziert auch das Risiko, den Mastfuß falsch zu positionieren und bietet dennoch genau die richtige Längeneinstellung für alle Fahrstile und Segelgrößen.
  • Die Mini-Side-Fin-Kästen bieten keine Verstellmöglichkeiten mehr. Die gesamte Verstellbarkeit für verschiedene Fahrstile und Segelgrößen erfolgt jetzt nur noch über die mittlere(n) Finne(n) - einfach und leicht!
  • Unser exklusives Layup, das auf über 40 Jahren Erfahrung basiert, wurde von DUOTONE Produktmanager Dani Äberli und Implementierungsspezialist und QC Manager Vasin Siritho verfeinert.
  • Sogar die Artwork wurde gewichtsoptimiert, indem schwere PVC-Aufkleber auf ein Minimum reduziert wurden.


All diese Bemühungen summieren sich zu einer spürbaren Gewichtsreduzierung von 400-500g (je nach Boardgröße), ohne unsere bekannt hohe Haltbarkeit zu beeinträchtigen. Tatsächlich sind wir von dieser neuen Konstruktion so überzeugt, dass wir als erste Produktionsmarke überhaupt auf alle GRIP SLS Boards 1 JAHR UNBEGRENZTE GARANTIE auf Bruch anbieten: STRONG-LIGHT-SUPERIOR! Außerdem funktionieren sie schon nach dem Auspacken optimal, einfach Plug & Shred.


Deine neuen GRIP SLS Traumboards sind bereit und warten auf dich, um dein Riding auf das nächste Level zu bringen!

Der GRIP 3 Shape ist zu 100% auf das Thruster Finnen-Setup abgestimmt
Alle GRIP Boards sind für den Einsatz rund um den Globus konzipiert, von Hookipa Riffwelle bis zu Pozo Onshore-Bedingungen. 
Gewichtsersparnis plus maximales PLUG & PLAY durch weniger Optionen
Die PREMIUM SANDWICH TECHNOLOGY besteht aus 50 Einzelteilen und Komponenten und ist unsere leichteste Semi-Custom-Technologie.

2.699,00 EUR
inkl. 19% MwSt. zzgl. Versand
pd Patrik Boards qt-wave (Quin Fin Wave)
2024 qt-wave
Bitte noch verfügbare Größen VOR Bestellung anfragen!


Different wave spots, different conditions and different styles of riding make it really difficult to develop a high-level production wave board... but our QT-WAVE is the answer for those who want to travel light and play in any kind of wind and wave conditions.

With the 5 fin boxes (1x US, 4x Slot) you can setup the board as Singlefin, Twinser, Trailer, Tri-Fin, Thruster, Quad and even Trailer Quad (5Fin). With all these options you can perfectly adapt the QT-Wave to your style of riding and the type of waves the spot is offering.

- Modified tail rocker for a more agressive feeling on the wave and more control on the turns
- New Vee-shaped tail section for better water release and a more alive rail-to-rail feel
- Optimised strength-to-weight ratio and new graphics by Fabio Canella


Optical aspects & Footpads
With the new graphics influenced by Italian designer Fabio Canella we have created a colourful but still clean board design. The 6mm thick diamond groove grip pad has an extra 6mm soft sponge under-layer which makes it 12mm in total. The special layup uses the hard layer to spread the load onto a wider board surface via the soft bottom layer of the pad. This gives us more impact resistance while keeping a direct feeling under your feet.

Shape & Outline
Balanced and pretty. Shaped by hand. After thousands of boards shaped the experience and precision of our shaper Patrik Diethelm will easily outperform any CNC software. The result is a perfect shape with a beautifully flowing outline. The wider front section gives you enough lift in the nose area to go planing early and to be able to hit the whitewater late. The narrow tail gives you that agressive feeling when moving the board from rail to rail. Enjoy maximum grip in carved top turns. Choose between carving and throwing spray or sliding and new-school tricks on the wave. This board will never hold you back.

Scoop-Rocker and Bottom Contour
New Single into double concave into vee concept that creates more rocker on the rail line while keeping a moderate rocker in the center. This gives you the best of both worlds. Good accelleration and speed on the straight and more response and a playful radical feeling in the turns. A slight tail kick under your backfoot allows you adapt your turns to the wave any time. Progressive bottom shape with deeper concaves on the smaller sizes for more control. Connect fast sections with ease, throw some big spray... The new QT can do it all.

Fins & Fin Boxes
The QT-Wave comes with 4x PATRIK Power wave (PW) fins. Center US 8” box to allow the use of bigger single fins. 4 side slot boxes to save weight.

Each insert offers 4-positions and on the front strap has a double plug to be able and change width and angle for different foot size and riding style.

Volume distribution
The balanced thickness under your feet and around the mast track is one of the key points to create a good allround wave board. A light dome deck allows as to keep thinner rails while 'hiding' some volume in the center of the board. This trick also improves the stiffness and break resistance of the construction. The much thinner tail area gives you control, grip and manoeuvrability.

Rails / Tucked
The round rails & tuck starting in the nose area make the board feel smooth troughout the turn. Round rails give you control and also more grip. Under the mast track the tucked show a slightly more visible edge which gets a little sharper between the straps and ends up sharp right behind the back strap for early planning acceleration and top speed.

Deck Shape
The smooth balance ov the whole shape is being carried over into all details. The light domed deck is more round at the front foot for a comfortable stand and good grip in the straps when planing and jumping. More flat under the backfoot for a better connection to the wave.



The topic where opinions split radically. But at the end of day let the advanced riders prove that our construction is built to last. The full carbon/kevlar deck is light and stiff with a good impact resistance. The Biax glass fibres on the bottom give you that controlled extra flex our riders love for the big turns and hard landings. Important fact: The softer biax glass spreads the load much better into the 3d construction than a full carbon bottom would. This results in better flex, better strength and better overall performance, while saving on production costs where it's not needed to offer you a more affordable board. Patrik Diethelms knowlede in composite construction is unmatched in the windsurf industry. This is our way of creating sustainable products that will last you many years when used correctly.


  Length Width Volume Tail Width
at 300
Nose Width
at 2000
Options &
Insert Holes
Fin Box
qt-wave 76 2260 555 76 336 369 TBC 5×4 3 1xUS 8″
qt-wave 82 2270 570 82 347 380 TBC 5×4 3 1xUS 8″
qt-wave 87 2280 585 87 353 397 TBC 5×4 3 1xUS 8″
qt-wave 94 2290 600 94 360 412 TBC 5×4 3 1xUS 8″
qt-wave 102 2300 630 102 382 443 TBC 5×4 3 1xUS 8″




Statt 2.799,00 EUR
Nur 1.999,00 EUR
inkl. 19% MwSt. zzgl. Versand
Duotone 2024 FreeWave
Duotone FreeWave 

Der FreeWave ist eine Weiterentwicklung der Stubby-Outline, kombiniert mit unserer legendären FreeWave-DNA. Ein wahres Chamäleon, bereit, sich anzupassen und in allen Bedingungen zu brillieren. Vom Flachwasser Heizen über Jump n‘ Ride bis hin zu moderaten Wellen hat der FreeWave den breitesten Einsatzbereich unserer gesamten Produktpalette.

Neben den hervorragenden Welleneigenschaften ist der FreeWave durch sein flaches Deck und die kompakte Outline auch für klassische Freestyle-Manöver bestens geeignet. Die verschiedenen Fußschlaufeneinsätze und Finnenoptionen ermöglichen es dir, den FreeWave deinen Bedürfnissen entsprechend anzupassen - so kannst du auch auf Flachwasser deine Kumpels in deinem Kielwasser zurücklassen!


Der FreeWave ist in 6 Größen erhältlich: 75, 85, 95, 105, 115 und 125l für schwerere Fahrer und leichteren Wind.


Erhältlich in 2 Konstruktionen:

+ Wood Sandwich Technology: Optimales Verhältnis zwischen Preis, Gewicht und Haltbarkeit

+ Premium Sandwich Technology - STRONG-LIGHT-SUPERIOR

The FreeWave covers the broadest range of use and conditions of our entire Freestyle-Wave line-up
The multi footstrap inserts and fin options allow you to adjust the FreeWave according to your needs

2.299,00 EUR
inkl. 19% MwSt. zzgl. Versand
Duotone 2024 FreeWave SLS
Duotone Freewave SLS

Der FreeWave ist eine Weiterentwicklung der Stubby-Outline, kombiniert mit unserer legendären FreeWave-DNA. Ein wahres Chamäleon, bereit, sich anzupassen und in allen Bedingungen zu brillieren. Vom Flachwasser Heizen über Jump n‘ Ride bis hin zu moderaten Wellen hat der FreeWave den breitesten Einsatzbereich unserer gesamten Produktpalette.

Neben den hervorragenden Welleneigenschaften ist der FreeWave durch sein flaches Deck und die kompakte Outline auch für klassische Freestyle-Manöver bestens geeignet. Die verschiedenen Fußschlaufeneinsätze und Finnenoptionen ermöglichen es dir, den FreeWave deinen Bedürfnissen entsprechend anzupassen - so kannst du auch auf Flachwasser deine Kumpels in deinem Kielwasser zurücklassen!


Der FreeWave ist in 6 Größen erhältlich: 75, 85, 95, 105, 115 und 125l für schwerere Fahrer und leichteren Wind.


Erhältlich in 2 Konstruktionen:

+ Wood Sandwich Technology: Optimales Verhältnis zwischen Preis, Gewicht und Haltbarkeit

+ Premium Sandwich Technology - STRONG-LIGHT-SUPERIOR

The FreeWave covers the broadest range of use and conditions of our entire Freestyle-Wave line-up
The multi footstrap inserts and fin options allow you to adjust the FreeWave according to your needs


2.699,00 EUR
inkl. 19% MwSt. zzgl. Versand
Severne Boards FOX V3



The next generation Fox is designed to take performance freeride to the next level. Just as its predecessor,

The Fox V3 maximises full power-on blasting capability through the choppiest water you can find.

Continuous rocker, moderate tail width, and extreme forward vee provide unique levels of control. Thrives on overpower. Confident commitment where others caution. Blaze through the corners with the best gybe in the business.

Don’t let the comfort deceive you – in real-world conditions, the Fox delivers unmatched high performance fun.


SIZES: 95 / 105 / 115 / 125 / 135



95 236 61 6,55 4.7 - 6.7 POWERBOX SV F-SERIES 320 (PB) 60-75kg = big board, 80-95kg = small board SV F-SERIES 300-340 (PB)
105 239 65 6,85 5.5 - 7.8 POWERBOX SV F-SERIES 360 (PB) 70-85kg = big board, 90-105kg = small board SV F-SERIES 340-380 (PB)
115 241 69 7.2 6.0 - 8.0 POWERBOX SV F-SERIES 400 (PB) 75-90kg = big board, 95-110kg = small board SV F-SERIES 360-400 (PB)
125 244 71 7,65 6.5 - 8.5 POWERBOX SV F-SERIES 420 (PB) 80-95kg = big board, 100-120kg = small board SV F-SERIES 380-420 (PB)
135 249 76 8,10 7.5 - 9.5 POWERBOX SV F-SERIES 440 (PB) 95-120kg = big board, 115-140kg = small board SV F-SERIES 400-440 (PB)

Weight tolerance; (+/- 5%)

ab 2.649,00 EUR
inkl. 19% MwSt. zzgl. Versand
pd Patrik Boards f-wave (Free Wave)
2024 f-wave 


This new concept in our range is made for the airtime lovers who don’t want to sacrifice the wave riding. The PATRIK F-Wave is most probably the fastest waveboard ever that still performs well in small to medium waves. With a Powerbox for the center fin of the thruster setup we leave it entirely up to you which fin to choose to go fast and jump high or ride waves and slice turns.
Following the success of the 75, 85 and 95, Patrik Diethelm shaped the 105 and 115 which are new for 2023. These bigger sizes have a new rockerline with increased Vee. They feel small on the wave, but carry all the volume you need to be the first one planing. If you love  to play in different conditions, the new F-Wave is here for you!



With the new graphics influenced by Italian designer Fabio Canella we have created a colourful but still clean and classic board design. The 6mm thick diamond groove grip pad has an extra 6mm soft sponge under-layer which makes it 12mm in total. The special layup uses the hard layer to spread the load onto a wider board surface via the soft bottom layer of the pad. This gives us more impact resistance while keeping a direct feeling under your feet.

The very fast rocker line with rather little rocker is planning very quick. The “bat-tail” and side cut-outs have a similar effect like on a slalom board and release the water earlier and drive the board up to top speed in no time and make the board feel loose on the straight line and agile in the turns.

Very fast rocker line with little rocker for top planning, acceleration and top speed.

Same as the QT-wave it has a balanced thickness under the feet and mast track to be close in contact with the fins for good control, grip and manoeuvrability but it is still thick enough to be able and push for top speed and high jumps.

In comparison to the QT-wave it is wider at “1-foot” to be able and push even more for planning, acceleration and top speed. The cut-out on the tail bottom is a kind of hidden winger which reduces the tail width in the back-strap area and brings similar advantages. The reduced surface let the water release earlier and increases especially acceleration and top speed but it also helps to tilt the board over into the bottom turn and roll back easier into the cutback.

The goal was a fast controlled smooth ride and this we achieved with a single concave under the mast track running into a “double concaved V” under the straps on the two smaller boards while the bigger board performed best with the “double concaved V” running all the way through the bottom.

To improve the turning ability on the wider shape we reduced the rail thickness in comparison to the QT-wave. For better and faster release, the tuck is a bit sharper as well and improve the early planning acceleration and top speed.

Flat decks are ankle breakers when it comes to push for top speed and the reduced rail thickness in combination with the slighty thicker center of the board makes the deck more domy and much more comfortable when fully planning in the straps. The extra dome under the back foot helps to get more grip during rotations.

The F-wave comes equiped with 3x PATRIK fins as a classic Thruster Setup with a bigger center fin and smaller side fins. This has proven to be the fastest setup for waves and jumping. The Center Powerbox allows the use of bigger Centerfins without the risk of breaking the board. The slot box sides save weight and leave you with enough trim options.

Each insert has 4-positions. The front strap has got a double plug to be able and change width and strap angle for different foot sizes and riding styles.

The topic where opinions split radically. But at the end of day let the advanced riders prove that our construction is built to last. The full carbon/kevlar deck is light and stiff with a good impact resistance. The Biax glass fibres on the bottom give you that controlled extra flex our riders love for the big turns and landings. Important fact: The softer biax glass spreads the load much better into the 3d construction than a full carbon bottom would. This results in better flex, better strength and better overall performance, while saving some money on production costs where it's not needed. Patrik Diethelms knowlede in composite construction is unmatched in the windsurf industry. This is our way of creating sustainable products that will last you many years when used correctly.


  Length Width Volume Tail Width
at 300
Nose Width
at 2000 
Straps Fin Box
 F-wave 75 2290 555 75  363 388 TBC 5×4 3 1x central Powerbox + 2x slot box
 F-wave 85 2300 585 85  386 428 TBC 5×4 3 1x central Powerbox + 2x slot box
 F-wave 95 2330 605 95  400 462 TBC 5×4 3 1x central Powerbox + 2x slot box
‌ F-wave 105 ‌2340 ‌630 1‌05  418 489 T‌BC ‌5×4 ‌3 1x central Powerbox + 2x slot box‌
 F-wave 115 2‌340 6‌55 ‌115  437 518 ‌TBC ‌5×4 ‌3 1x central Powerbox + 2x slot box‌




Statt 2.799,00 EUR
Ab nur 1.999,00 EUR
inkl. 19% MwSt. zzgl. Versand
Starboard 2024 Futura

Starboard Futura Wood Sandwich
(Bitte Verfügbarkeit einzelner Größen/Versionen VOR Bestellung anfragen) 



Die Weiterentwicklung des preisgekrönten Boards, mit dem die FreeRace-Wave für technische Windsurfer begann, die das Unmögliche suchen: 

Maximale Geschwindigkeit in Kombination mit Komfort, Kontrolle und präzisen Jibing. Das Futura liefert maximale Durchschnittsgeschwindigkeit bei vollem Komfort.

Das Futura-Konzept basiert auf der iSonic-DNA und nutzt einen schnellen, mäßig schmalen und kompakten Körper, der sich perfekt für Langstrecken- oder Drag-Rennen am Strand eignet. Die Breite gibt dir Windreichweite und Effizienz. Kraftvolle, aber gleichzeitige weiche Rails sorgen für volle Power und verbessern die kontrollierte Hebelwirkung über die Finne. Eine Versenkung an der Mastschiene sorgt für einen niedrigeren Schwerpunkt und den Antrieb für zusätzliche Kontrolle. Optimierter Stance für längere, sicherere schnelle Runs. Alle Futuras sind mit einem doppelt konkaven Einstieg konstruiert, der in ein sauberes, flaches Vee-Tail übergeht und dadurch Komfort, Kontrolle und Effizienz bietet. Alles da, wo man es braucht. Die Futuras ermöglichen es Dir, Deine Leistung in einem komfortablen, zugänglichen und benutzerfreundlichen Paket zu verbessern. Spar Dir Deine Energie für den Segelspaß, anstatt mit dem Board zu kämpfen. Maximiere Deine Durchschnittsgeschwindigkeit auf der Langstrecke und brettere durch sportliche Jibes.


Model Futura 100 Futura 105 Futura 110 Futura 120 Futura 135
Volume 100 L 105 L 110 L 120 L 135 L
Length 225 cm 229 cm 229 cm 230 cm 234 cm
Width 63 cm 67 cm 71 cm 76 cm 83 cm
Tail Width 40.9 cm 44.7 cm 46.6 cm 48.7 cm 52.5 cm
Thickness 12.8 cm 11.5 cm 11.5 cm 11.6 cm 11.9 cm
Shape Flat Vee to Double Concave Flat Vee to Double Concave Flat Vee to Double Concave Flat Vee to Double Concave Flat Vee to Double Concave
Recommended Fin 30 – 34 cm 34 – 38 cm 36 – 40 cm 40 – 44 cm 42 – 46 cm
Fin Drake Slalom DW 32 Ready To Race Drake Slalom DW 36 Ready To Race Drake Slalom DW 38 Ready To Race Drake Slalom DW 42 Ready To Race Drake Slalom DW 44 Ready To Race
Sail Range 4.0 – 7.0 m² 4.5 – 7.5 m² 5.0 – 8.0 m² 5.5 – 8.5 m² 6.0 – 9.0 m²
Weight WS 6.3 Kg 6.7 Kg 6.8 Kg 7.3 Kg 8.0 Kg


2.499,00 EUR
inkl. 19% MwSt. zzgl. Versand
Duotone 2024 Skate SLS
Duotone Skate SLS

Er hat die Vergangenheit und Gegenwart des modernen Freestyle-Wettbewerbs geprägt. Und er hat erneut das Zeug dazu, auch weiterhin richtungsweisend für die Freestyle Community zu sein.

Besonderes Augenmerk haben wir auf die 91-Liter-Größe gelegt, da sie in den meisten Bedingungen die bevorzugte Größe für unsere Teamfahrer ist. Mit einer kompakten Länge von nur 216cm, einem fein abgestimmten Tail-Shape für schnellste Beschleunigung, ein lebendigeres Fahrgefühl und für eine schnellere Reaktion ist die 91l-Version das kompakteste und radikalste Freestyle-Board, das wir je gebaut haben.


Der SKATE SLS liefert explosive Beschleunigung und Top-Speed, was zu massivem Pop für schwindelerregende Spins & Rotationen führt. Der kompakte Shape sorgt dafür, dass du den Move völlig kontrolliert landen kannst, bereit für einen weiteren Turn oder Pop. Die flache Nose ist ideal für Sliding-Tricks, während das Full Tail dafür sorgt, dass du deine Geschwindigkeit auch beim Switch Stance oder in Windlöchern beibehältst. Der kompromisslose Shape des SKATE SLS bringt dein Riding auf das nächste Level, egal was deine Ziele sind. Sliden, Rotieren, Explodieren - das Wasser wird zum Skatepark.


Der SKATE SLS ist in unserer einzigartigen Premium Sandwich Technologie erhältlich - STRONG-LIGHT-SUPERIOR, die ultimative Konstruktion für alle unsere High-End-Boards.

Außerdem verfügt er über eine Foil Force Power Box für maximale Haltbarkeit.

Schnelle Rocker-Linie für sofortige Beschleunigung kombiniert mit einem boxy Spock-Tail sorgt für maximalen Pop.
Die PREMIUM SANDWICH TECHNOLOGY besteht aus 50 Einzelteilen und Komponenten und ist unsere leichteste Semi-Custom-Technologie.
Ultrakurzes und kompaktes Design für die radikalsten Spins und Tricks auf und über des Wassers.

2.799,00 EUR
inkl. 19% MwSt. zzgl. Versand
pd Patrik Boards air-style (Freestyle)
2024 air-style Freestyle  


It's simply amazing to witness what is possible on a windsurfer. The young generation has pushed freestyle to another level. This shape is not just a board with a cut nose but it is a real developed short board and the differences are significant. No matter if in the air or on the water the rotation speed is simply faster and it is the key point to pull multiple moves.



The 6mm thick diamond groove grip pad has an extra 6mm soft sponge under-layer which makes it 12mm in total. The special layup uses the hard layer to spread the load onto a wider board surface via the soft bottom layer of the pad. This gives us more impact resistance while keeping a direct feeling under your feet.

Fast rocker line with top planning and acceleration ability and a touch of tail rocker for extra pop.

Very thick under the back strap for maximum push to plane early, accelerate, go upwind and pop.

The short length with the normal nose width makes the board feel light and compact and makes it spin faster. The wide middle for early planning and stable platform when sliding, rotate and spin on the water. Reduced tail width behind the strap for less wetted surface and better tail sinking when pushing for the pop.

A flat panel V under the mast track for maximum water slide ability and a slight double concave under the straps to absorb the chop and slight better tracking with the short fin used.

Super soft in the nose area for maximum slide but a bit edgier trough the center to keep the planning and acceleration and sharp in the tail for clean water release and top speed.

Dome deck in the tail area for more grip under the back foot and quite flat under the front foot makes it more comfortable to ride in switch stands position.

Power Box. All double inserts with 4-positions for anti-Twist and extra possibilities to change angle and width for different foot size and riding style.


  Length Width Volume Tail Width
at 300
Nose Width
at 2000
Options &
Insert Holes
Fin Box Approved
Air-style 93 2115 615 93 422 307 TBC 5×4 3 Power Box PWA
Air-style 99 2120 645 99 445 335 TBC 5×4 3 Power Box PWA




Statt 2.699,00 EUR
Nur 2.275,00 EUR
inkl. 19% MwSt. zzgl. Versand
Severne Boards NANO 3


(Bitte verfügbare Größen/Varianten VOR Bestellung anfragen)

The Nano is compact, so it can fit tight in the pocket of any wave and carve hard. The combination of the parallel outline
and channel bottom delivers instant acceleration, grip, and tight radius turning.
Sizes from 87 up have been re-designed to deliver earlier planing and higher speed. All Nano’s are now exclusively quad fins setups, saving the weight of a 5th finbox and best complimenting the board’s characteristics.
Inspired by Tomo’s new-school surfboards, the Nano is a fresh wavesailing sensation.
Its parallel rails mean the width is narrower than on a traditional board, which makes it feel like you’re sailing a smaller board. The efficiency of the parallel rails means you’re up and planing as if you were riding a bigger board.
Initially conceived as a small wave, onshore biased design, the Nano proved to be so much more:

Fast enough for onshore, stable enough for high speed, down-the-line wall rides.

An efficient rocker with low-drag entry gets the Nano up and moving with the slightest gust.

Volume distribution centres the volume where you need it, not up on the nose or right at the tail. This makes the Nano really optimised for its size. Small and efficient.

Channels create lift in sub-par conditions but allow you to remain in control when the waves turn on.

Fins are custom designed with a swept outline to enhance flex and progressive feel.
A balanced chord length hits the sweet spot between speed and drive. G10 construction is responsive and durable.


Small. Its short length and narrow width makes the Nano extremely compact. Sure, it fits in the car easier, but the real benefit is a smaller rotational space; fits into hollow sections of small waves, or quick aerial rotations.

Blending from thin, refined rails at the tail and through the stance, the rails get progressively fuller towards the nose.
This automatically sets the trim when turning – the front rides safe and high, while the tail bites and drives through the turn.






72 215 54 6.0 3.0 - 5.0 SLOT BOX+ 2 x 100 + 2 x 140
77 216 55 6.1 3.0 - 5.0 SLOT BOX+ 2 x 100 + 2 x 140
82 217 56 6.2 4.0 - 5.3 SLOT BOX+ 2 x 100 + 2 x 140
87 218 57.5 6.25 4.4 - 5.7 SLOT BOX+ 2 x 100 + 2 x 150
92 219.5 59 6.3 4.7 - 6.0 SLOT BOX+ 2 x 110 + 2 x 150
102 219 60 6.5 5.0 - 6.7 SLOT BOX+ 2 x 110 + 2 x 160

Weight tolerance;  (+/- 5%)


2.599,00 EUR
inkl. 19% MwSt. zzgl. Versand
pd Patrik Boards f-cross (Freecross Freestyle Wave)
2024 f-cross Freestyle-Wave Freecross  


Simply call it as you wish. Call it “Freemove”, “Freestyle-Wave”, “Bump & Jump” or whatever, important to know is that this is the most versatile shape in our range. 
To cruise along, carve some old-school manoeuvres, ride some waves, pop some new-school freestyle tricks, match-race your mate.... all this the F-Cross can do perfectly well and all you need to choose is your footstrap and fin setup. 

FOIL-READY AS 124, 136 and 147: 
The short and compact shape of the F-Cross works very well as a freeride foil board in the brand-new big sizes 124, 136 and 147. They are wide enough for a good foot offset (more control) and short enough for good aerodynamics in freeride foiling conditions. 

Welcome to our most fun shape ever! 



The 6mm thick diamond groove grip pad has an extra 6mm soft sponge under-layer which makes it a total of 12mm. It's very comfortable and it spreads out the load of your foot onto the deck construction well.

A harmonic curve all the way through the length with a rounded off tail for the extra tight carving ability.

Straight flat on the big size for best planning and acceleration performance in the light wind and constantly increasing rocker the smaller the board for more maneuverability and wave-oriented range of use.

On the bigger sizes, the back-foot height is almost even with the front foot for early planning and straight-line performance. The smaller the boards the slightly thinner the tail with a lower back foot for more wave-oriented use.

Double concaved V with stabilizing side flats from the nose to the front strap to absorb the chop and give it a comfortable ride and then blend into a flat panel V all the way to the tail for all-around cruising stability and easy rail-to-rail transitions in maneuvers.

A bit thicker and boxier rails on the bigger boards for rail floatation and non-planning stability and slightly thinner and rounder on the smaller sizes for more carving and grip in the turns.

At the tail strap the deck is designed to have enough dome and curve to give you a comfortable stance when using the center or the double straps. Light dome deck to hide volume in the board center and make the construction stiffer.

There is a Powerbox on all 4 smaller sizes (87, 94, 103, 113). While the 3 bigger sizes (124,136,147) have the foil-ready Deep Tuttle box. The F-cross comes equipped with a PATRIK fin, see the table below to see which PATRIK fin comes with which board. More inward insert plugs for a 3x strap setup and more outside inserts for a more racey 4x strap setup. Each insert has 4-positions for individual trim adjustment.


  Length Width Volume Weight
Options &
Insert Holes
Fin Box Board bag
F-cross 87 2330 585 87 TBC 7×4 4 Power M‌
F-cross 94 2340 605 94 TBC 7×4 4 Power M‌
F-cross 103 2350 625 103 TBC 7×4 4 Power M‌
F-cross 113 ‌2360 ‌645 113 TBC 7×4 ‌4 P‌ower M‌
F-cross 124 (NEW) ‌2380 6‌80 1‌24 T‌BC ‌7×4 4‌ F‌oil-DTB L‌
F-cross 136 (NEW) 2390 725 136 TBC 7×4 4 Foil-DTB L‌
F-cross 147 (NEW) 2‌410 ‌785 ‌147 T‌BC ‌7×4 4‌ ‌Foil-DTB X‌L



Statt 2.499,00 EUR
Nur 2.099,00 EUR
inkl. 19% MwSt. zzgl. Versand
Severne Boards PSYCHO 3


The Psycho uses modern design concepts to go faster, pop higher, and spin quicker. The new Psycho offers a package containing the best elements of previous models and new innovative features. 

Narrower widths with parallel rails increase efficiency for faster top-end speeds and instant acceleration. Reduced lengths in combination with a tuned up rocker make the Psycho functionally compact for faster, controlled rotation. 

Developed in conjunction with former freestyle world champ Dieter van der Eyken, the design focused on maximising speed for bigger moves. The highly refined design makes this performance easily accessible to any freestyler. Out-of-the-box instant functionality. 

Specific freestyle features include ultra short length and reduced nose volume for reduced swing weight and controlled rotation, footstraps angled for easier switch stance access, and double plugged rear and front straps to prevent twisting and handle higher loads. Dual density pads offer a soft landing after each air move. 

If you want to take your freestyle to the next level, go Psycho.



72 207 58.5 5.7 2.0- 4.7 POWERBOX FREESTYLE-SERIES 180 PB - G10 BLACK 35kg- 65kg.
78 207 59 5.94 2.0- 4.7 POWERBOX FREESTYLE-SERIES 180 PB - G10 BLACK 40kg- 75kg.
86 207 59.5 6.1 3.0 - 5.0 POWERBOX FREESTYLE-SERIES 180 PB - G10 BLACK 45kg-65kg main board/ 55Kg -75kg. small board
94 209 61 6.6 3.3 – 5.2 POWERBOX FREESTYLE-SERIES 190 PB - G10 BLACK 55kg-75kg = main board, 75kg-95kg = small board
102 209 62.5 6.8 4.4 – 5.9 POWERBOX FREESTYLE-SERIES 200 PB - G10 BLACK 75kg-95kg = main board

Weight tolerance;  (+/- 5%)


2.399,00 EUR
inkl. 19% MwSt. zzgl. Versand
Severne Boards PREDATOR



The Predator is a dedicated windsurfing foil board. More aggressive than the Alien, it is designed to carve, jump and rotate on the foil.

Available in 4 sizes to suit a range of riders. Length is kept short on all sizes to reduce the lift required to keep it flying and also to increase maneuverability. Premium construction keeps the weight significantly below industry standard for real performance.

Designed to be ridden with both feet in the straps during moves, or with the back foot out on the rail when blasting. Inserts are only inboard for the back foot – this forces the rider to keep their weight directly over the foil when jumping or loading up the foil, and massively reduces leverage and the chance of breakages. As a true windsurf board, a deep-tuttle box is used for reliability, consistency, and ease of use. Excess inserts and finboxes have been eliminated, increasing simplicity and reducing weight.

Match the Predator with a FoilFreek for the ultimate combo. Larger Freek sizes also open up a world of carving and 360s’ in lighter winds for any size rider. Easily accessible to the intermediate foiler, the higher volume boards are also realistic for the motivated freestyler getting into foiling for the first time.


95 185 64 6,51 FoilFreek/ Freek 4.0 to 5.2 Deep tuttle foil box <85
110 190 68 6,94 FoilFreek/ Freek 4.4 to 6.3 Deep tuttle foil box <95
125 195 72 7,51 FoilFreek/ Freek 4.8 to 7.0 FoilGlide Deep tuttle foil box <105
145 200 76 8,0 FoilFreek/ Freek 5.2 to 8.0 FoilGlide Deep tuttle foil box <115

Weight tolerance; (+/- 5%)


FoilFreek + + + + +  
Freek + + + +  
FoilGlide + + + Smaller sizes work better on Predator
Blade + + Use more mast extension to raise clew height/less downhaul
S-1 + + Use more mast extension to raise clew height/less downhaul
Gator + Smaller sizes work better on Predator
NCX -  
Turbo -


Statt 2.449,00 EUR
Nur 2.195,00 EUR
inkl. 19% MwSt. zzgl. Versand
pd Patrik Boards f-ride (Freeride)
2024 f-ride Freeride 


This board is the remedy for everyone frustrated by wide-body boards that simply don't work for everyone. The F-Ride might be the longest freeride board on the market. Wide-body boards surely have their benefits but from our understanding the intermediate freerider does not benefit too much from the extra width so why should we make the same mistake? So here comes our F-Ride. The extra length on the flat area under the straps makes the board more stable and more foregiving. Additionally the passive planing (no pumping) improves significantly. The narrower width makes it easier to step into the straps and have both legs balanced in a comfortable sailing position.

Don't mistake the extra length with being slow or lame. The F-Ride actually is planing early, accelleration well and carries a massive speed potential while being super forgiving at the same time. The big success of this board has proven us right. Loved by hundreds of windsurfers around the globe this board will take your freeriding to the next level!




Colourful but clean. Italian design by Fabio Canella makes this board a timeless classic. 
The 6mm thick diamond groove grip pad has an extra 6mm soft sponge under-layer
which makes it 12mm in total and most importantly very, very comfortable.


Extra longer flat between the straps for better passive planing, more stability, easier tacking and jibing and a very fun and forgiving ride.

Volume distribution:

An almost even foot position height under both foot straps makes the riding and going upwind feel easy, balanced and almost effortless.


The more stretched out outline with more parallel rails allows for easy starting, early passive planing, more drive in the jibes, easier tacks and a surprising top speed.

Bottom Shape:

Double concaved V with stabilizing side flats from nose to the front strap to absorb the chop and give it a comfortable ride and then blending into a flat panel V all the way to the tail for all-round cruising stability and easy rail-to-rail transitions in manoeuvres.

Rails / Tuck:

The boxy rails create a maximum width stable floating board in non-planning conditions. Also through the jibes the rail will float nicely and the board will keep its momentum. The sharp tail edges give the  cleanest water release for best planning and acceleration performance.

Deck Shape:

Both strap positions are designed to have enough dome and curve to have a comfortable stance when using any of the inside or outside positions. Enjoy are comfortable and controlled ride.

Fin box & inserts:

Deep Tuttle Foilbox. Inside and outside strap position on both straps with an extra center strap options in the tail area for beginners. Each insert has 4-positions for individual settings.


For this board the blind testing with plain white boards proved that our Biax glass fibre is the choice over the Carbon construction. The explanation is rather simple. The carbon fibres are hard and stiff and hard and forward the vibration and hits of the chop much more into the rider's body while the biax glass fibre gives you that extra flex and absorbs most of the vibration for a more comfortable and controlled ride. This extra control results in better top speeds. Most riders proved to be faster on this construction in head to head speed tests.


  Length Width Volume Tail Width
at 300
Nose Width
at 2000
Options &
Insert Holes
Fin Box Board bag
F-RIDE 125 2515 675 125 443 583 TBC 8X4 4 Foil deep tuttle ‌L
F-RIDE 135 2525 715 135 479 624 TBC 8X4 4 Foil deep tuttle L‌
F-RIDE 145 2535 755 145 512 668 TBC 8X4 4 Foil deep tuttle L‌
F-RIDE 155 2545 795 155 543 714 TBC 8X4 4 Foil deep tuttle X‌L



Statt 2.399,00 EUR
Nur 2.049,00 EUR
inkl. 19% MwSt. zzgl. Versand
Severne Boards ALIEN


Freeride Foil


Purely designed as a windsurf foil board, the Alien enables all the variables to work in harmony and move beyond simply balancing on a foil to WINDSURFING on a foil. A functional foil board with refined details that makes foiling both accessible AND desirable. 

The Alien development program was initiated when the disappointment of bolting a hydrofoil to a normal windsurf board was realized. By analyzing and gaining a deep understanding of the new variables that foiling introduced, we saw that specific foil-oriented equipment was required to elevate the experience to a true windsurfing sensation; blasting in control and carving turns rather than balanced on top, nervously trimming. 

The differences between the Alien and a normal freeride are many; shape, length, rocker, stance, pretty much everything. But this new geometry works in conjunction with the foil and rig to deliver balance, and a new windsurfing world to any competent windsurfer. It opens up more locations to windsurf, and can double or triple your days on the water. 

Stable enough for your first flights, the Alien has the considered details to deliver performance so as not to be outgrown.

Available in two constructions;

  1. Custom precision technology – A performance oriented custom construction that prioritises high resolution shape accuracy, responsiveness, high weight consistency, and the use of high end materials.
  2. Moulded technology – A durable construction that makes use of traditional moulding techniques, and a faster lead time to prioritise cost efficiency.
ALIEN SIZES 105, 115, 125, 155 120, 145
CONSTRUCTION PROCESS CNC Custom Technology (Hand shaped after each lamination) Molded Technology (faster process)
MATERIALS Biax Carbon and Biax Glass technology Glass and Carbon construction
ORIENTATION High definition and shape accuracy Cost efficiency
WEIGHT/STRENGTH RATIO Higher weight consistency (+/- 3.5%) Maximum strength and durability orientated
VALVE Gore-Tex Air vent Gore-Tex Air vent

105 190 65 Deep tuttle foil box Freek 4.0 to 5.6 / FoilGlide 5.0 to 6.0 7.2 <85 Custom precision
115 200 70 Deep tuttle foil box Freek 4.4 to 5.9 / FoilGlide 5.0 to 7.0 7.3 <95 Custom precision
120 205 74 Deep tuttle foil box Freek 4.8 to 6.3 / FoilGlide 5.0 to 7.0 7.5 <105 Moulded
125 210 75 Deep tuttle foil box Freek 4.8 to 6.3 / FoilGlide 5.0 to 7.0 7.7 <110 Custom precision
145 210 80 Deep tuttle foil box Freek 4.8 to 6.3 / FoilGlide 5.0 to 8.0 8.3 <115 Moulded
155 215 85 Deep tuttle foil box Freek 4.8 to 6.3 / FoilGlide 5.0 to 8.0 8.8 <120 Custom precision

Weight tolerance; (+/- 5%)

ab 2.239,00 EUR
inkl. 19% MwSt. zzgl. Versand
pd Patrik Boards f-race (Freerace)
2024 f-race Freerace 


Most brands simply re-use old slalom models and reduce the size of the cutouts and set the straps more inboard and introduce this as the latest freerace design. Our development was done together with purely dedicated free-racers and some pro-riders who were amazed by the performance in powered conditions against pure competition slalom boards. The slightly longer flat under the straps is the key feature for this shape and makes the board plane earlier and ride more stable and safer in rough conditions. With the smaller cutouts it's less loose and easier to control. Wanna go super fast without killing yourself on a competition slalom board? - The PATRIK F-Race is the perfect board for you!

- Modified computer-optimised cutout contours for reduced drag, better waterflow, more accelleration and more topspeed.
- Optimised strength-to-weight ratio and new graphics by Fabio Canella




Colourful but simple and clean. This design is a timeless classic.
The 4mm thick diamond groove grip pad has an extra 6mm soft sponge under-layer which makes it a total of 10mm. It gives you a good connection to the board and enough shock absorbance to protect board and bones.


The slightly extra longer flat between the straps makes the board more stable and does not react to foot pressure as quickly as slalom and is, therefore, more forgiving and keeps it speed more constant.

Volume distribution:

Even foot position for maximum performance and balanced body position. The thickness in the front strap to the nose is reduced for its lightweight while still keeping enough for flotation in non-planning conditions.


The outline is identical to the same board width size as the Slalom but is extended in the center to the extra length. The slightly more parallel outline effect into a bit more stability.

Bottom Shape:

The double concaved V with stabilizing side flats from the nose to the front strap absorbs the chop and gives a comfortable ride. The flat panel V under the straps is releasing the water on the upwind rail when the board is pushed onto the leeward rail and therefore increases acceleration and speed and makes the board maneuver controlled trough the jibes.

Rails / Tuck:

The boxy rails in the strap area are comfortable and powerful to push against the fin and drive the board up to top speed and let it fly over the chop. The rails in front of the straps towards the nose are very boxy in comparison to the thickness and let the water flow of the rail low with the least friction.

Deck Shape:

A flat deck through the whole board is a stable platform in non-planning conditions and jibes.

Fin box and inserts:

Short Tuttle box for 100, 110 and the Deep Tuttle Foil box for 120, 130, 140, 150. Inside and outside strap position on in front and in the back with every 4x holes for individual settings.



For this board instead of the Biax Carbon used on the Slalom boards the dedicated Freeracer wished for a more impact-proof material and the full Carbon/Kevlar is just the right material for lightness and extra strength. On the bottom the decision was clear and the more comfortable ride with the Biax Glass is no doubt the right choice.



  Length Width Volume Tail Width
at 300
Nose Width
at 2000
Options &
Insert Holes
Fin Box ‌Board bag
F-RACE 100 2375 600 100 401 495 6,25 8X4 4 Tuttle Box ‌M
F-RACE 110 2380 650 110 436 533 6,67 8X4 4 Tuttle Box M‌
F-RACE 120 2380 700 120 493 582 7,33 8X4 4 Deep Foil Box L‌
F-RACE 130 2355 750 130 524 604 7,67 8X4 4 Deep Foil Box L‌
F-RACE 140 2355 800 140 559 635 8,02 8X4 4 Deep Foil Box X‌L
F-RACE 150 2340 850 150 581 671 8,42 8X4 4 Deep Foil Box X‌L


Statt 2.399,00 EUR
Ab nur 2.049,00 EUR
inkl. 19% MwSt. zzgl. Versand
1 bis 32 (von insgesamt 64)